Prime Minister David Cameron today paid tribute to JCB as “an inspirational company” as he delivered a keynote speech at the World Headquarters in Staffordshire.

Prime Minister David Cameron today paid tribute to JCB as “an inspirational company” as he delivered a keynote speech at the World Headquarters in Staffordshire.

Mr Cameron addressed an audience of more than 300 people including employees and local politicians on the backhoe loader shopfloor at Rocester where he unveiled plans to restrict immigration.

The Prime Minister said: “It’s great to be back at this inspirational company that has had such success in recent years, not only here but around the world, in India, in Brazil and elsewhere.

“You are an absolute magnet for talent and I think a great British company that’s investing in skills, that is making, investing and selling around the world, doing all the things that we want you to as part of our long-term economic plan.”

Mr Cameron was earlier welcomed to JCB by Jo Bamford, son of JCB Chairman Lord Bamford, and JCB CEO Graeme Macdonald. He spent more than an hour at the company.