The family of a JCB employee who died in a road accident are planning a touching tribute to the father-of-three by competing in the annual JCB Mun Run.

The family of a JCB employee who died in a road accident are planning a touching tribute to the father-of-three by competing in the annual JCB Mun Run.
Andy Cooper, 39, was a stalwart supporter of the charity event and took part in all four JCB Mud Runs since the first in 2012 – events which have £175,000 for the NSPCC, JCB’s nominated charity. Andy, a Supervisor in the production planning department of the Backhoe Loader Business Unit at JCB's World HQ at Rocester, tragically died in a road accident near Rocester in March. He leaves a widow, Zoe and three young children: Isabelle, aged four, Edward, aged two and Sophia, aged one

Now Zoe, 37, of Westbury Park, Newcastle, and three members of her family are limbering up for the 5th annual JCB Mud Run next month in his memory. Joining Zoe will be her brothers, Trentham Gardens Maintenance Manager Ben Watts, 40, of Westbury Park, driving instructor Sam Watts, 31, of Birches Head and Ben’s wife Jayne, 39.

Secondary School teacher Zoe said: “Andy did every one of the JCB Mud Runs and that’s why we wanted to do it in tribute to him. We all took part last year and really enjoyed it.  We are doing it for fun and to unite us all in something that we know Andy really enjoyed and cared about, which is important to us right now.”

Zoe and her family will be raising money for mental health charity MIND and JCB has kick started the family’s appeal with a £1,000 donation. In total more than 30 other friends and former JCB work colleagues will join them when they run.

Zoe added: “Andy suffered from mental health issues throughout his life and I’m hoping that taking part in the JCB Mud Run in aid of MIND will raise awareness of the charity and the challenges people with mental health issues face.”

The 5th annual JCB Mud Run takes place on Saturday, June 18th with competitors scrambling over 35 obstacles – including monkey bars and mud pits – over a five mile course. 

Entrants have until midnight on Saturday, June, 11th to enter the JCB Mud Run. Entrance fees are £55 per person. This year the JCB Mud Run is also a silver affiliate of OCRA UK (Obstacle Course Racing Association) with the qualifying race taking place over a longer 10km course at 9am with the chance to qualify for the OCRA UK Championships. The entry fee for this is £60 per person. There will also be a free-to-enter mini mud run course for children.