SCORES of shopfloor employees at JCB’s World HQ have raised hundreds of pounds for a cancer charity – in memory of a colleague’s grandmother

SCORES of shopfloor employees at JCB’s World HQ have raised hundreds of pounds for a cancer charity – in memory of a colleague’s grandmother

A total of 65 workers on the Loadall production line at Rocester took part in the ‘Movember’ fundraising event by growing moustaches and beards in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Their efforts came after one member of the team - Rob Johnson, aged 32 - lost his grandmother Flo Grig, 92, of Ipstones, near Leek to cancer. The team's efforts raised more than £1,400 – a figure boosted to £2,000 by JCB.

Boom fitter Rob, of Cheadle, said: “Macmillan Cancer Support gave incredible support to our family when my nan was ill and I just wanted to say thank you to them for everything they did for us. The way the lads have supported the Movember fund raising efforts was incredible. They have done me proud.”

Team Leader Mark Beckett added: "One way or another we've all been touched by cancer, either within our families or through friends. When Rob lost his nan we wanted to help him raise money for Macmillan. We ended up with 65 people involved and some of their moustaches are really good."

Each person taking part made a donation of £5 to Macmillan, with anyone shaving off their whiskers before the end of the month expected to give an additional £10 as a penalty.

Mark, aged 29, added: “A total of 40 people stuck it out until the end. The rest gave up at various stages, usually because their wives and girlfriends didn't like them with their moustaches. There are some people who really suit a moustache and I think quite a few of our guys will be keeping theirs on.”